Frequently Asked Question

TunerLync Bluetooth Connection to PC
Last Updated a year ago

STEP 1:  On your PC add a bluetooth device like in the video below...

STEP 2: check device manager to see what COM ports are assigned to the bluetooth adapter


STEP 3 : Try those COM ports in your tuning/datalogging software. ( THE COM PORT NUMBERS WILL BE DIFFERENT THAN WHAT IS SHOWN IN THIS VIDEO/IMAGE)

Also make sure the baud rate is set to 38400 and this should work in HTS.( this is if your TunerLync is plugged directly into ECU - IF plugged into DEMON set to 921600)


if you continue to have issues connecting on PC, You likely need to set the baud rate in the device manager settings for those specific Bluetooth COM ports...

In the device manager, right click on one of those (do the same for both, but you have to do one at a time) and click properties, then click on port settings, and set the "BITS PER SECOND" to 38400( this is if your TunerLync is plugged directly into ECU - IF plugged into DEMON set to 921600). Click ok and that window will close, do it to the other Bluetooth COM port as well.


After doing this, and the HTS settings are also 38400( this is if your TunerLync is plugged directly into ECU - IF plugged into DEMON set to 921600), you should be able to connect and datalog with no issues.

HTS is just an example in this, you can use other programs, if your car is chipped with something else.

UPDATE: new issue introduced with windows 11 update that causes device to not even show up. See fix in this video below.

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