Frequently Asked Question

BNW Socket Booster
Last Updated 2 years ago


The BNW Socket Booster 1.0 exists to provide active conditioning for signals from a Moates Ostrich2.0 and ChipExtender products. In some circumstances, the logic levels generated by these devices do not meet the specifications of the target device you are trying to use them in. The Socket Booster remedies this issue by essentially amplifying and conditioning the signal. In many cases, the same effect can be achieved by using a short emulation cable

The BNW Socket Booster 1.0 is compatible with the trace feature of the Ostrich 2.0.


The socket booster is REQUIRED for successful use of an Emulator (ostrich, boostednw emulator, etc) with 24-pin applications such as the GM TBI OBD1 1227747, 1228747, 1228746, 16146299, and other 24 pin ECM's

The BNW Socket Booster also seems to help out with a lot of applications that use older Hitachi/Mitsubishi processors such as DSM, 8 bit Nissan Z31/Z32/R32, etc. ECUs of this range are typically in the 84-91 year range.

Signs of Issues

The typical signs that your application may require a BNW Socket Booster are intermittent ECM shutdowns, odd behavior, odd datalogging results, etc. Intermittent (or consistent) flaky behavior.

Installation and Use

The BNW Socket Booster has a single switch on it which controls how the device operates. The BNW Socket Booster can either boost signals passing straight through it (28 pin setting) or act as a 24->28 pin converter (like the G2 we also sell) with the switch in the 24 pin position. Although we do NOT recommend this, you can solder a BNW Socket Booster directly into a 24 pin ECM by trimming the two pins closest to the switch and setting the switch to the 24 pin setting.


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